the compensation you deserve.
Welcome to TTP Financial Compensation
A claims management provider authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Do you qualify?
If you bought life, savings or pension policies between 1988 and 1996, you may be entitled to compensation. Even if the policies concerned are no longer in force and you consequently have no paperwork relating to them.
How we can help
We can review the advice you received and assess the potential for a claim.
Act on your behalf to seek compensation should we consider the original advice inappropriate.
Our fee being 25% plus VAT i.e. 30% inclusive of VAT, of any redress secured and accepted by clients.
We will conduct the compensation process on a genuine and entirely transparent ‘no win / no fee’ basis, this means that if you are not offered a satisfactory offer/settlement there is no fee owed. You can also terminate this agreement at any time prior to the securing of an offer of redress without charge. Please refer to our Terms of Business section for all term details.
Next step
You don’t have to use a claims management company to make a complaint and you can make the complaint yourself and if unsuccessful you can then refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service yourself for free.
But if you’re unsure where to start or if you are even entitled to make a claim, you can call our friendly, experienced team for a free and entirely non-committal assessment call.
Call: 020 3295 1150
Alternatively, if you believe that your policies may meet our claims criteria and would like to use our services, you can make a start on your claim with us today.
Simply click the ‘Get Started’ link below or navigate to the ‘How to Proceed’ section.
Make a claim
If you think you’re entitled to make a claim and have some or all of the relevant paperwork you can get started right now.
Proud to Support
How to proceed…
Please complete all sections of all forms, adding as much detail as possible to help us assess the potential for a claim.